Small and micro businesses are the backbone of economies. Most businesses in economies start as SMEs. In Africa, it is estimated that SMEs employ 47% of the workforce, and their output is 20% of the country’s gross domestic product. Although SMEs are an essential part of the economy, they still face many challenges. SMEs struggle with bank loans: almost 30% of these businesses shut down due to lack of funding. Blockchain opens new opportunities to SMEs to solve existing problems and enable them to optimize their businesses to operate more efficiently. One method of optimizing business using blockchain is the use of smart contracts.
What are smart contracts?
Smart contracts are automated programs that can carry out the terms of any contract. Parties involved make a deal, put the details of the agreement into code and create a blockchain. When the deadline is reached, the blockchain will notify the supplier to send the product from the agreement. The blockchain will also release the payment for the supplier. This is all done automatically without the use of a third party. They can be used to lower costs of most financial transactions because the third party that would charge fees is removed from the transaction.
How do smart contracts work?
Smart contracts are automated programs that run specific code that is programmed according to the specific terms of a contract. They use IF/THEN conditions to execute their tasks. The best way to explain how smart contracts work is with an example. An example of an IF/THEN condition is: IF a client sends a referral customer, THEN a code can be released for them to receive a discount on their next purchase. Another example is: IF a supplier delivers goods by a specified date, THEN release the supplier’s payment.
How are smart contracts used?
Blockchain has many uses. Its most common use is to transfer money and make payments. Transferring money through blockchain is the easiest and most cost effective solution, even more so when it comes to international payments. Blockchain and smart contracts, however, are not limited to money transactions. They can be used to automate tasks to make business easier. Let’s take a look at Airbnb as an example of this. Smart contracts are an easy way to handle rentals. A blockchain connected lock can be used: once renters reach their destination and have met their contractual terms, the lock can unlock and allow the renters into the property. Another example of the use of smart contracts can be in manufacturing. Managers at manufacturing plants can make a code to automate how much material they order, when it is ordered, and when it will arrive.
Are there any limitations? Are there any bad sides to using smart contracts?
Blockchain and smart contracts also have some disadvantages. One disadvantage is that there is no way to adjust a smart contract after it’s been programmed into the blockchain. Although this is a safety feature to avoid fraudulent activity, it is also a disadvantage as there could have been an error with the contract terms that needs to be fixed. Another disadvantage is the high dependence on programmers and exposure to bugs. There are also weak legal regulations of smart contracts.
How will it benefit my business?
There are many advantages to using smart contracts. They include being safe and secure, as blockchain uses enhanced security when it comes to the storage of personal information and data. Information is encrypted, anonymous, and resistant to hacking. They are cost effective, as cutting out middlemen in contracts saves small businesses time and money. Smart contracts can cut out expensive transactional fees and legal payments, which can hinder small businesses. Smart contracts are also time saving. By nature, automation of tasks results in time and energy being saved. Businesses also won’t need to wait for weeks for the creation and exchange of documents, goods, and services.